In this case, Loch Lomond is the largest lake in Great Britain, whose varied shoreline and numerous islands have made it a popular vacation destination for centuries. Posted by boyhowdy at 11:31 PM ...
Actually, I would go even further than Mr Waters. Lack of "a religious leader, i.e., a minister, priest, rabbi or other spiritual leader" should not preclude a gathering from being religious. A prime example would be an unprogrammed ...
A forced bvacation/b, I would say. 91. At 01:56 AM on 29 Mar 2007,; Kelly (ned) wrote: As a sailor myself i would like to see my collegues returned safely but, it is not uncommon for the flag vessel in this case cornwall to lose its sight of their units. in past experience i recall HMS Nottingham ... On the previous incident the UK government admitted to crossing into Iranian bwaters. Lack/b of respect for Iranian sovereignty is more than enough justification for the incident. ...